靠!!!!!!到底哪儿错了!!!!!TLE 你妹啊!!!!!
/************************************************************** Problem: 1500 User: BLADEVIL Language: Pascal Result: Time_Limit_Exceed****************************************************************/ //By BLADEVILconst sroot =-1; var n, m :int64; a :array[-1..500010] of int64; root :int64; father, key, size :array[-1..500010] of int64; son :array[-1..500010,0..1] of int64; flag :array[-1..500010] of boolean; val, sum :array[-1..500010] of int64; pred, succ :array[-1..500010] of int64; procedure swap(var a,b:int64);var c :int64;begin c:=a; a:=b; b:=c;end; function get_max(a,b:int64):int64;begin if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);end; procedure update(x:int64);begin if x=sroot then exit; size[x]:=size[son[x,0]]+size[son[x,1]]+1; sum[x]:=sum[son[x,0]]+sum[son[x,1]]+key[x]; pred[x]:=get_max(pred[son[x,0]],sum[son[x,0]]+pred[son[x,1]]+key[x]); succ[x]:=get_max(succ[son[x,1]],sum[son[x,1]]+succ[son[x,0]]+key[x]);end; procedure c_renew(x,y:int64);begin key[x]:=y; sum[x]:=size[x]*y; pred[x]:=get_max(y,sum[x]); succ[x]:=get_max(y,sum[x]); val[x]:=y;end; procedure r_renew(x:int64);begin swap(son[x,0],son[x,1]); flag[x]:=not flag[x];end; procedure push_down(x:int64);var l, r :int64;begin l:=son[x,0]; r:=son[x,1]; if flag[x] then begin if l<>-1 then r_renew(l); if r<>-1 then r_renew(r); flag[x]:=false; end; if val[x]<>0 then begin if l<>-1 then c_renew(l,val[x]); if r<>-1 then c_renew(r,val[x]); val[x]:=0; end;end; function build(l,r:int64):int64;var mid :int64;begin mid:=(l+r) div 2; key[mid]:=a[mid]; build:=mid; if mid-1>=l then begin son[mid,0]:=build(l,mid-1); father[son[mid,0]]:=mid; end; if mid+1<=r then begin son[mid,1]:=build(mid+1,r); father[son[mid,1]]:=mid; end; update(mid);end; procedure rotate(x,y:int64);var f :int64;begin push_down(x); f:=father[x]; son[f,y]:=son[x,y xor 1]; father[son[x,y xor 1]]:=f; if f=root then root:=x else if f=son[father[f],0] then son[father[f],0]:=x else son[father[f],1]:=x; father[x]:=father[f]; father[f]:=x; son[x,y xor 1]:=f; update(f); update(x);end; procedure splay(x,y:int64);var u, v :int64;begin while father[x]<>y do if father[father[x]]=y then rotate(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1])) else begin if x=son[father[x],0] then u:=1 else u:=-1; if father[x]=son[father[father[x]],0] then v:=1 else v:=-1; if v*u=1 then begin rotate(father[x],ord(x=son[father[x],1])); rotate(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1])); end else begin rotate(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1])); rotate(x,ord(x=son[father[x],1])); end; end; update(x);end; function find(k:int64):int64;var t :int64;begin t:=root; while true do begin push_down(t); if size[son[t,0]]+1=k then exit(t); if size[son[t,0]]+1>k then t:=son[t,0] else begin dec(k,size[son[t,0]]+1); t:=son[t,1]; end; end;end; procedure insert;var i :longint; l, s :int64; p, q :int64;begin read(l,s); for i:=n+1 to n+s do read(a[i]); readln; q:=build(n+1,n+s); n:=n+s; p:=find(l+1); splay(p,sroot); p:=find(l+2); splay(p,root); p:=son[root,1]; father[q]:=p; son[p,0]:=q; update(p); update(root);end; procedure delete;var p :int64; l, s :int64;begin readln(l,s); p:=find(l); splay(p,sroot); p:=find(l+s+1); splay(p,root); p:=son[son[root,1],0]; father[p]:=-1; son[son[root,1],0]:=-1; update(son[root,1]); update(root);end; procedure change;var l, s, c :int64; p :int64;begin readln(l,s,c); p:=find(l); splay(p,sroot); p:=find(l+s+1); splay(p,root); p:=son[son[root,1],0]; c_renew(p,c); update(son[root,1]); update(root);end; procedure reverse;var p :int64; l, s :int64;begin readln(l,s); p:=find(l); splay(p,sroot); p:=find(l+s+1); splay(p,root); p:=son[son[root,1],0]; r_renew(p); //update(son[root,1]); //update(root);end; procedure get_sum;var l, s :int64; p :int64;begin readln(l,s); p:=find(l); splay(p,sroot); p:=find(l+s+1); splay(p,root); p:=son[son[root,1],0]; writeln(sum[p]);end; procedure max_sum;var l, r :int64;begin readln; l:=son[root,0]; r:=son[root,1]; writeln(get_max(succ[l]+pred[r]+key[root],get_max(pred[l],succ[r])));end; procedure main;var i :longint; ss :ansistring; ch :char;begin fillchar(son,sizeof(son),255); read(n,m); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); inc(n); root:=build(0,n); father[root]:=sroot; readln; for i:=1 to m do begin read(ch); ss:=''; while ch<>' ' do begin ss:=ss+ch; read(ch); if ss='MAX-SUM' then break; end; if ss='INSERT' then insert else if ss='DELETE' then delete else if ss='MAKE-SAME' then change else if ss='REVERSE' then reverse else if ss='GET-SUM' then get_sum else if ss='MAX-SUM' then max_sum; end;end; begin main;end.